PRACTICE aims to develop EU-wide continuing professional development (CPD) programme for teachers focussing on promotion of social, civic and intercultural, competences and critical thinking of secondary school students.

The Paris Declaration (2015) states teachers need new skills and competences to deal with complex classroom realities and to confidently respond to diversified groups, and the continuing professional development (CPD) programmes have been recognised as not always sufficiently relevant to teachers’ needs and challenges they face. To respond to these needs, PRACTICE will innovate CPD approaches whilst responding to relevant need of teaching methods applicable to diverse learners with the aim to prevent radicalisation.

PRACTICE addresses current challenges and needs of preventing radicalisation in school and of supporting opportunities for teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD) in this area, by developing, testing and disseminating an innovative approach, using participatory methods collaborative process, that involve 7 partner organisations and 35 schools at local, national and EU level.

The objectives of PRACTICE project are:

  • To develop an innovative and collaborative EU wide CPD programme on radicalism prevention within school education;
  • To empower teachers through capacity-building activities aimed to equip them with better tools to address diversity in the classroom and to understand and prevent radicalisation processes in educational settings;
  • To enhance the development of critical thinking skills and strengthen citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education in secondary schools;
  • To foster the inclusion of students from all ethnic, faith and social backgrounds creating a safe space to become active and responsible citizens and open-minded members of society.

To reach the goal, the partners will achieve the following results:

  • Comparative research report to have a clear overview on (I) weaknesses and good practices of current CPD methods and formats across Europe; (II) Tools and methods for the promotion of critical thinking in the classroom; (III) policies and practices on radicalism prevention at national and EU levels.
  • Radicalisation prevention programme, an Open Educational Resource (OER) with innovative tools for teachers and educational support staff to work effectively with students on critical thinking and radicalism prevention. The programme will be pilot-tested in 35 schools from 6 countries, with 56 teachers and around 1120 students.
  • Guidelines for teachers, for the correct use of the Radicalisation Prevention Programme in classroom, providing the background, information and advice on how to manage and deal with issues of radicalisation in the school setting.
  • Policy recommendations paper, to influence policy makers and other school education stakeholders on CPD innovation, Critical thinking teaching, Radicalism prevention in school basing on the feedbacks collected by stakeholders of educational sector through the whole project’s lifetime.


The project (n° 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048442) is a 36 months ERASMUS+ project taht will be carried out from September 2018 until August 2021.

Project partners:

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (IT)

BLINC – Blended Learning institutions Cooperative (D)

Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK)

KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Center (EL)

Mhtconsult APS (DK)

Verein Multikulturell (AU)

Fondazione Hallgarten-Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca (IT)


PRACTICE brochure