In 1909 Alice and Leopoldo Franchetti visited the “Casa dei Bambini” located in the district of San Lorenzo in Rome, a school conceived for young children aged 3 to 6 where a young doctor named Maria Montessori was experimenting in a large tenement in Via dei Marsi 58 a new approach to learning and creating a children oriented environment where students could interact spontaneously with the environment and learn the rules of living in a community with no oppressive constraints. They were highly impressed by her work and by her new approach and invited her to spend a short time at Villa Montesca to train the teachers of the rural schools on this new “method”. During her stay at Villa Montesca Maria gave the final touches to her method of scientific pedagogy applied to the education of children in the Casa dei bambini. Her papers were published in 1909 in Città di Castello after the first course of scientific pedagogy held in August at Villa Montesca and were dedicated to Baron and Baroness Franchetti.