Digital skills for the publishing Sector: European Workshop in Villa Montesca

The kick-off meeting of the consortium of the ASAP – Anticipatory Skills for Adapting the Publishing Sector  will take place at Villa Montesca, in Città di Castello, Italy on 01-02/03/2017. The project

Sports and Mental Health: European Workshop in Città di Castello

The kick-off meeting of the consortium of the MENS Project “M.E.N.S. MENTAL EUROPEAN NETWORK of SPORT EVENTS” will take place at Villa Montesca, in Città di Castello, Italy on 16-17/02/2017. The project ha

Let’s start the LIFE project: an innovative pedagogical method to support the integration and multiculturalism in the schools

The kick-off meeting of the consortium of the LIFE Project “Learning Interculturality From rEligion” will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria on 08-09/02/2017. The project is financed with the support

Project Coordinators Meeting in Brussels for the projects approved in the framework of Erasmus Plus Programme – Sector Skills Alliances

On 26 January 2017, Villa Montesca Foundation attended the Project Coordinators Meeting organized by the European Commission and the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA)  in Brussels

Workshop in Athens for the the European Certification of digital competences in primary and secondary schools

The European workshop of the CRISS Project “Demonstration of a scalable and cost-effective cloud-based digital learning infrastructure through the Certification of digital competences in primary and seconda

Innovative practices to promoting social inclusion, tolerance and personal development at school: European Workshop in Città di Castello

The European workshop of the EUROPE Project “Ensuring Unity and Respect as Outcomes for the People of Europe” will take place in Città di Castello on 13-14/12/2016 . The project has been funded

Innovative tools and opportunities to adult women living in rural areas: European Workshop in Innsbruck

The European workshop on the ” WOMEN IN EUROPE – NEW FIELDS OF EMPLOYMENT IN RURAL AREAS “ will take place in Innsbruck, Austria on 13-14/12/2016. The Consortium of  WE RUN will work to develop

Training of the teachers on “life skills”: european workshop in Sofia to discuss the results in each country

The European workshop on the  “SSP- SCHOOL STILL PLAYS” project about the early school leaving will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 13-14/12/2016. During the workshop Villa Montesca Foundation wi

Civil protection, urban resilience and training of volunteers: the best practices of the CPMODEL and EVANDE projects

The outcomes of two Civil Protection Projects  CPMODEL Civil Protection Massive Open Developed E-Learning for strategies of Resilience  ed EVANDE (Enhancing Volunteer Awareness and education against Natural