“Alice a Bruxelles – Le scuole rurali della Montesca e di Rovigliano all’Esposizione Universale del 1910. Dalle origini a Maria Montessori”
21 April – 23 June 2024
Manica Lunga, Pinacoteca Comunale, Città di Castello (PG)
Public opening: Friday to Sunday and public holidays 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4 p.m.-6.30 p.m.
As part of the initiatives promoted by the Fondazione Hallgarten-Franchetti Centro Studi Villa Montesca aimed at celebrating the anniversary of Alice Hallgarten’s birth – the 150th year (23/06/1874 – 23/06/2024) – on Sunday 21 April at 10 a.m. the exhibition “Alice a Bruxelles” will be opened at the Pinacoteca Comunale in Città di Castello, in the Manica Lunga spaces.
The exhibition event, which focuses on a panel rebuilt philogically as the original, presents the objects of the rural schools of Montesca and Rovigliano exhibited in Brussels in 1910 at the World’s fair. The panel collects all the objects, most of them original, from the Franchetti’s educational experiences, that were exhibited in that occasion of international visibility. The exhibition allows visitors to fully immerse themselves, like if is in a mirror, in the fabulous education adventure of Alice at Montesca and Rovigliano’ Schools, enabling a deeper understanding and connection with the exhibits that represents an exhaustive selection of school diaries, registers, teaching materials, drawings and pictures.
The exhibition explores the daily educational activities that took place at the rural schools and also allows us to perceive the nature of the encounter between the Franchetti’s educational method and the origins of Maria Montessori’s inspiration.
For info and reservation please contact 150@montesca.eu