13 Ottobre 2016: la Fondazione Villa Montesca partecipa al Workshop Europeo su “Disaster Risk Mitigation” in occasione della Giornata Internazionale su “Disaster Risk Reduction”.

13 Ottobre 2016: la Fondazione Villa Montesca partecipa al Workshop Europeo su “Disaster Risk Mitigation” in occasione della Giornata Internazionale su “Disaster Risk Reduction”.

The European Meeting and Workshop on Disaster Risk Mitigation will take place in Heraklion, Crete, Greece on 13/10/2016. The event will be organized during the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Representatives of Municipalities, Districts and Volunteers Groups operating in civil protection will be attending the conference.

Invited speakers from different countries, representing institutions of national civil protection, but also experts in the sector, organizations partner in the CP MODEL project and also partners of another EU granted project ‘EVANDE – Enhancing Volunteer Awareness and education against Natural Disasters through E-learning – will take part in the conference.

During the second part of the Conference some workshops are foreseen, during which the participants will have the possibility to have hands on experiences on the CP MODEL main educative tools, the Game and the MOOC Platform with courses on Disaster Resilience in Civil Protection.

Download here event’s program