Sport, benessere e salute mentale: secondo meeting del progetto M.E.N.S. a Praga

Sport, benessere e salute mentale: secondo meeting del progetto M.E.N.S. a Praga

The Second meeting of the consortium of the MENS Project “M.E.N.S. MENTAL EUROPEAN NETWORK of SPORT EVENTS” will take place at Villa Grebovka , in Prague, Czech Republic on 22-23/06/2017. The project has been funded by the European Comission in the framework of Erasmus Plus Programme, Sport Collaborative Partnerships.

The MENS Project involves 17 organizations operating  in the field of sport, mental health and training coming from 12  several European countries and  has as the overall goal the new approach of the relation between physical exercise /sport and mental health. Although the positive effects on the mental health are already proven by both the research and the practice too, still the people with mental health problems are often  disadvantaged or discriminated in their access to sports.

M.E.N.S. aims to change this situation. The project includes establishing of a functioning European network of organizations that promotes at the European level the idea of sport as an effective way of inclusion.  In the course of the project there will be created not only the network itself but also a set of policy papers on the topics related to the importance of the physical exercise to the mental health in the area of prevention, inclusion, destigmatization and also as a important part of the recovery  of the people with the mental health problems.